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執筆者の写真: Yoko YuasaYoko Yuasa


Today's moderator is HA.

今日のスピーチは2人 両方とも英語のスピーチでした。

There were two speakers today.

Both of speeches in English. The first speech Title [much better than Jack-in-the -box]

Speech by HS


ゴウヤの種がいかに、完璧に良く考えられて 「造られている\(^_^)/」 そのすばらしさを、実物をもってきて 皆に見せながら説明してくださいました。 すご~い真っ赤です。 How perfect and well thought out are the seeds of the bitter melon. They are so perfectly thought out and created. She explained the wonder of the seeds as she showed them to us. It was amazingly bright red.

つぎのスピーチは アイスブレーク(初めてのスピーチです) タイトル[What does it mean to be interested in others?]

Next speech. Icebreaker (This is my first speech) Title[What does it mean to be interested in others?]

初めてでしたが、ものおじなく しっかりと、アイコンタクトも取れて 場数を踏んで、練習していったら 素晴らしいスピーカになるな~~~楽しみ!です。

Although it was her first time, she was able to speak without fear. She also made good eye contact. If she continues to practice at this level, I am sure she will become a great speaker. I am looking forward to seeing his future.

そして、即興スピーチコーナー お題を出されたら、その場で話す。 今日の出題者はMKさん。

「故郷の事」「住んだ事のある所」「ご当地」から 故郷の食べ物 ご当地自慢 郷里の有名人 特産物・・・などなど 「へ~~~そうなんだ~~」と、色々知れて楽しめました(^O^)/

And impromptu speeches When you are given a subject, you speak on the spot. Today's contestant was MK. She started with "things about my hometown," "places I have lived," and "my hometown. Food in my hometown, local pride, famous people in my hometown, local specialties... etc.

It was fun to hear the stories from various directions!

「論評の部」Evaluation Session 今日の論評をまとめて進行するのはTGさん

日本語で始まった例会そして、後半は英語です。 TGさん英語が、ちょっと苦手なので 日本語交じりですが、躊躇しないで 出来るだけの英語で。。これが大事 そして、他のできない人にも勇気を与えて 「使おう!」と、促されます。 私たちのクラブは少人数 練習の場に最適です!

TG will summarize and facilitate today's commentary. The meeting started in Japanese, but the second half was in English. TG's English is not so good. She is mixing with Japanese, but don't hesitate to use English as much as possible. This is important! And, it gives courage to others who can't speak English. "Let's use it!" and encourage them to do so. Our club is small perfect place to practice!

HSさんのスピーチの論評はAKさん AYさんのスピーチ論評はHSさん どちらも、スピーカーに励ましを与え もっと先に進むための良い論評でした\(^o^)/ Both were good comments that gave encouragement to the speaker and good commentary to go further\(^o^)/.

そして、今日のゲスト 広島から久々のCFさん 嬉しい!

And today's guest CF from Hiroshima, long time no see. Glad to see you!

Zoom見学をしていたTYさんが、神戸から出席 そして、初めての即興スピーチで 関西の特徴を話してくテーブルトピックス賞を受賞

TY, who was observing by Zoom, attended from Kobe And, at his first impromptu speech, he talked about the features of the Kansai region. She talked about the characteristics of Kansai and won the Table Topics Award!

本日の受賞者 スピーチは、初めてスピーチのAYさん 論評はHSさん テーブルトピックス(即興スピーチ)TYさん Today's award winners Speech was given for the first time by AY of Speech Opinionated speech by HS Table Topics (impromptu speeches) TY

次回例会のお知らせ 日時 9月3日 14:30-16:30 場所 Fプレイス 多目的3 Next regular meeting Date and time: September 3, 14:30-16:30 Place: F Place Tamokuteki 3 見学歓迎 Visits welcome



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