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259th Meeting

執筆者の写真: TMC 藤沢バイリンガルTMC 藤沢バイリンガル


今回のTMOD(司会)は MKさん、いつもの輝く笑顔で 明るい例会を盛り上げてくれました。Today’s meeting was held in spite of the middle of “Golden Week.”

“Toast Master of the Day” was MK. Her smile brought cheerful atmosphere to the meeting.

WOD(今日の言葉)は ”adorable.” 可愛い/愛着が湧く。



“Word of the Day” is adorable. It’s commonly use in U.S. but not familiar to Japanese.

ジョークマスターは AKさん。二人羽織りで楽しませるはずが、残念ながら道具を忘れてしまいました。その代わりに、二人羽織りの楽しかった思い出話を披露してくれました。

Joke Master was AK. She planed to perform “Ninin-baori”, a Japanese comical performance. But she forgot all goods. So she talked about her Ninin-baori performance in U.S.

準備スピーチの部 Prepared Speech一番目のスピーカーは HAさん。英語スピーチ。タイトルは”Stop! Time flies” 何故年齢を重ねるにつれ、時間が早く感じられるのかを科学的根拠も交えて説明し、常に感動を保つことの必要性を語ってくれました。

 First speaker was HA. English Speech. Title was “Stop! Time flies” He explained why time seems fly faster as we become old. He gave some advises too like not to become bored in everyday life. We need to keep our interest in many things.

二番目のスピーカーは MKさん。タイトルは”最高の日” 


 Second speaker was MK. Title was “The best day” She spoke as the virtual winner of the music instrument performance.


Table topics session. We did not have table topic master today because we did not have enough attendants. So each attendance prepared 2 questions. The hardest question was “How do you conduct yourself to be accepted with others around if you were forcefully married and moved into Tunisia? ”


休憩をはさんで、論評の部 総合論評は YYさん。


一番目の論評者は KAさん、HAさんのスピーチに対して 思いやりある論評でした。

Evaluation session; General Evaluator was YY

First evaluator was AK. She evaluated HA’s speech.


MKさんのスピーチ対して 今後の大きな期待も添えての励ましの論評でした。

Second evaluator was AK. She evaluated HA’s speech

最後は各賞発表 Award Presentation 

ベストスピーカーBest Speaker:  MKさん

ベスト論評 Best Evaluator YYさん

ベストテーブルトピックスBest Table Topics TGさん。

おめでとうございます Congratulations!!

今回は人数こそ少なかったものの 楽しさ満載で充実した例会でした。



There were not many attendance, but we had such a fun and worth-attending meeting. Thank you for reading to the last. Come and join us!



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