Our blog starts with the introduction of each winner.
Best speaker award presented to Hi-san,
Best evaluator award presented to Mi-san, and
Best table topics award presented to To-san

本日の司会はToさん いつも例会の雰囲気を和ませてくれます
Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD) is To-san, who always makes the meeting friendly.
At the beginning, she was meditating on the friendly meeting!

Immediate Past President (IPP), Mi-san announced the next term officers.
Incoming President Ma-san and the other 6-new officers' installation ceremony is held on July 3rd.

☆例会中に使って欲しい「今日の言葉」は, august。Augustと書けば8月ですが、小文字のaではじまるとimpressive (印象的な)の意味になるそうです
Word of the Day was "august" presented by Hi-san. the meaning is impressive.
3 persons used the word in the meeting.
Joke master Mi-san presented 2 jokes relating to the national characteristics of the Italian, French, British, German, American and Japanese. We laughed a lot!
最初のスピーカーはCaさん、スピーチタイトルは"Let's Practice Kindness"でした
繰り返された”Smile and Konnichiwa"が心に残るスピーチでした
The first speaker was Ca-san, and the speech title was "Let's Practice Kindness".
The phrase of "Smile and Konnichiwa" repeated was august (impressive)!

The second speaker was Hi-san, and the speech title was "Setting the Goal of Life".
The long speech with Q and A about Eternal truth was also august!
Japanese and English Table Topics master was Ma-san. She presented 5 topics related to the language of flowers.
Yo-san conducted the Evaluation session.

Also Yo-san evaluated Ca-san's speech.
And Mi-san evaluated Hi-san's speech.
6月19日(土)14時30分から16時30分 Fプレイス多目的室3
Next meeting is held
on June 19th(Sat) 14h30m to 16h30m
at F-Place multi purpose room 3
Please come and enjoy our meeting!