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190th Meeting

執筆者の写真: AKO KAKO K


本日の司会はTM HS 今週は英語始まりです。

Word of the day →今日はPhrase of the dayに変更。 ”Up to you” あなた次第。

☆Joke Master TM KA

The story of the resurrection of carrots

「ニンジンの話/Carrot story」実は実話


☆Prepared speech

①Title " Thanks"  TM HA

He was supposed to be just the title of the organization, but the story was different. From the feeling of being grumpy until it turns into a refreshing gratitude.


②タイトル ”成功の先” TM MK


そしてその先の先への希望について、、About the club promotion video.

She practiced Recordings over and over again. It was produced with the cooperation and help of each other.

Then we had an award!

With gratitude, she look forward to the future of this club.

☆Table topics 

Today's question is all in English

by TM CF!

This time she showed us questions in advance for our English improvement. Thank you CF!

1. If you are having a bad day, what is your favorite food to eat?~

2.What is your favorite sports activity? 3.Do prefer to have a cat or a dog for a pet?

4.Do you prefer to spend time in the mountains or at the beach?

5.Do you prefer summer of winter?

6.Do you prefer spring or autumn? 7.When you read a book, do you prefer to read it in hard copy or an electronic device?

We enjoyed table topics speech!


①Evaluation for TM HA's speech. TM YK

She also General evaluator

②TM MKのスピーチに対する論評 TM HD

The evaluator's qualified commentary encourages the speaker and encourages him to make his next speech.


☆Awards Presentation TM HD

Best Table topics TM YS

Best Evaluator TM HD

Best Speaker TM HD

☆Guest’s Comments 

Area Director TM Yae

We appreciated you coming!

We look forward to seeing you again!




Next Meeting information


#191 Fujisawa Bilingual TMC meeting

5月15日(土) 14:30〜16:30  場所:Fプレイス 5F 多目的室

May 15th(Sat) 14:30〜16:30 Venue: F Plays 5F



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