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181st Meeting and Christmas Party December 19, 2020

執筆者の写真: TMC 藤沢バイリンガルTMC 藤沢バイリンガル

President Hideo opened this very exciting meeting! Why was it exciting? First, it was our 181st meeting! Second, we had 5 guests attending! And third, we were having a Christmas party afterwards! Can I get a Toastmasters' round of applause?!

TMOD Miwa kept the meeting fun, lively, and moving! Her leadership skills are only surpassed by her ability to knock out some songs on the keyboard, which we later jammed to during the party. For those of you who missed this meeting, maybe next year, eh?

Word of the Day was presented by, uh, Santa? No! Don't let the white hair fool you! That's TM Carol behind that giant face mask. And the WOD was "Refreshing". I would like to add that it was refreshing to hear so many people use "refreshing" during their speeches and Table Topics. Except for WOD TM Carol. She forgot. Fired.

Jokemaster today was the ever jovial TM HIdeo! Oh, the "ho, ho, ho's" and little round bellies that shook when we laughed, like bowls full of jelly! This was just a prelude to the fun-filled Christmas party. And it was a great prelude!

TM Marina gave her prepared speech about Mentors and Proteges. She was upbeat and excited to tell us about her experience as a protege sitting under the ever-helpful Toastmaster mentor Yoko-san. Gurasuhoppa has learned lessons very well. (Sorry. my American is showing. "Grasshopper" taken from American TV show "Kung Fu" from long ago. Grasshopper was protege to his mentor "Teacher." Anyway, never mind. :-) )

Our second prepared speech was given in English by TM Hiromi. She was connecting with storytelling. And what a story! Are you familiar with the song "It Is Well"? The story behind it will leave you looking for tissues to wipe your eyes. No matter how many tragedies you face, trust God, for it is well. The song is available on YouTube, btw.

Table Topics with TM Yoko! She always serves up mighty topics we can really sink our teeth into. This time, she challenged us to take a trip down memory lane. Happy memories. She got the guests involved as well. Yoku dekimashita, TM Yoko!

TMOD wore 2 hats this meeting! She evaluated TM Marina's speech. Honest evaluation and feedback is always welcome!

TM Ayako evaluated TM Hiromi's speech. She enjoyed the captivating story and visual aids, and looks forward to hearing TM Hiromi's next speech.

President Hideo was also general evaluator. His years of Toastmaster experience and keen observation skills shined as he shared his insight of overall evaluation of this meeting. Thank you, Sir!

And now, drum roll, please! It's Awards Presentation time! Best Table Topics award goes to ... Guest Kotone! (Much applause!) Best Evaluator is ... TM Miwa! (Yay! Applause!) And, Best Prepared Speech winner is ... TM Hiromi! (Hootin' and Hollerin'! Applause!) And so concludes this 181st meeting of the Fujisawa Bilingual Toastmasters Club. Lets' party!

There was singing...

and dancing...

and eating...

and eating...

and more eating! But with food this good, who could resist?!!! So refreshing! Fun, food, fellowship! Hope y'all had a very Merry Christmas and will be blessed with a healthy, prosperous New Year!!!



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