President Arai-san opened the meeting with enthusiasm and great expectations for a wonderful and entertaining afternoon. His expectations were met!

Toastmaster of the Day Tomoko kept the meeting moving smoothly while providing everyone with light-hearted humorous remarks.

TM Carol provided us with the Word of the Day: Invincible. Such a powerful word that we can all live by!

We have a Jokemaster at this club, and today's JM was TM Miwa. She told an apparently very funny Japanese joke that lost its impact in English. Rest assured, everyone laughed heartily! Hardy har har! Thanks JM Miwa!

First speech of the day was given by TM Ayako. As you can see, it was fun and packed with powerful words! She talked about the roles of mentor and mentee. Now we know! Great speech TM Ayako!

Our second speaker, TM Hiromi, effectively gave a speech on Effective Body Language. She focused on recognizing body language used when speaking publicly as well as how to use gestures to enhance our speech. I think this picture shows that her speech was a huge success! High five, TM Hiromi!

TMOD Tomoko also tackled Table Topics! She had all of us thinking of autumn by the time we finished our thoughts about fall. Please pass the hot apple cider!!!

TM Yoko was our General Evaluator. When she talks, everybody listens! Thanks for your input and wise words, TM Yoko!

TM Marina evaluated TM Ayako's speech. Her encouraging and honest feedback gave all of us food for thought. Thank you, TM Marina!

Time for the Recognition Awards! Left to right: President Hideo, TM Carol (Best Table Topics), TM Hiromi (Best Prepared Speech), TM Marina (Best Evaluator), TM Yoko (Best Table Topics), TMOD Tomoko. Another fantastic meeting of the Fujisawa Bilingual Toastmasters Club. See you November 7th!